Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday Blues...

It's been one hell of a week...

First, a huge snow storm comes and knocks out our power for FOUR days! Then my kids all get the flu (or at least some weird virus) and can't go to school this week.

I need a vacation...from the snow-cation. I NEED to be in...


namely, at Spendido

or there is always Capri...

or the Caribean....
Little Dix

or Kim's house in St Barths...

and I sure loves St. Barths...

What's that.... A crying baby?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Oh La La...

January can be rather depressing. We all need to take a trip someplace when it's so cold and depressing outside!

Here are a few things that make me smile...

This GIANT cupcake cousin Christin P gave to Lucy...big hit!

Being back in Florida


just cuz..

LOVE this!

a girl can dream...

This makes me want to curl up and read and book...or just nap.

Christmas in Florida

And then there is Fin. My favorite little home wrecker!

True story - his teacher from his play-group called me to tell me she just couldn't "handle him"anymore and that he is just too rough...Oh, and that he doesn't listen...and that she can't trust him and that I would need to provide an extra hand (teachers aid) in his class of FIVE kids so that she wouldn't have to pay so much attention to him! Perhaps this would be a reasonable request if I weren't paying the woman an insane amount of money!!! (to watch 5 kids, for 3 hours - twice a week) joke.

HE'S TWO!!!!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Happy New Year!

I'm feeling it!...this year is going to be a good one. It better be!

New Years resolution - to try and keep up with myself.

So far this year I have been thinking a lot about parties. Who doesn't love a kick-ass shindig?! When it's cold and depressing outside, I like to have something to look forward to - so I am planning a party!